Autism Savvy Summit

"While You Wait" Edition APRIL 27-29


Helping Moms Confidently Navigate the World of Autism 

 Autism Savvy walks with you on the path towards your “new normal”

LEarn About The INFINITY Mom club

Get clarity

Don’t settle for confusing Facebook groups and limited options. Learn about all the ways you could best serve your child.

receive support

Your child’s diagnosis means you just joined a new club of parents like you who will cheer you on every step of the way. You are now an infinity mom!

Embrace autism

Breathe a sigh of relief – life looks different now, but it's going to be okay. There is so much to hope for!

Have pressing questions about your child and autism? 

take the quiz:

What’s Next in Your Child’s Autism Journey?

Feeling overwhelmed about autism?
You’re not alone.

Questions like these emerge in the early days of an autism diagnosis. We’re here to help you skip the endless Googling and access expert resources all in one trusted place. As parents of autistic kids, we’ve experienced the fear of a new diagnosis. We also know that education and community makes a world of difference.  

That’s why being an Infinity Mom empowers you to support your child.

How is autism defined?

Do I need to adapt my parenting for my autistic child?

How do I best advocate for my child?

What therapies are available to my child?

Did I do something to cause this?

Experience hope for your child

The Infinity
Mom Club

Join our membership, get access to expert education, 
and feel at home with other moms who get it.

Not Atypical Motherhood Book

This book is your resource for all things autism – written to support parents just like you.



Autism Savvy
The Podcast

For the moms navigating a new or suspected diagnosis – we tackle your biggest questions so you can focus on confidently supporting your child. 

on Socials

Need quick info or connection? Find us on Instagram and TikTok for easy-to-share tips and support for parents of autistic kids!


Exciting events are on the horizon, and you won't want to miss out, including our very first Autism Savvy Virtual Summit. 

Register now
LEarn About The INFINITY Mom club

Joining the
Infinity Mom Club

step one

join the infinity mom club

Joining the Infinity Mom Club is your first step towards a more confident and joyful life with your autistic child – we can’t wait to welcome you!

step two

get resources

Get education, tools, and resources to help you navigate your child’s unique journey.

step three


Find your groove and “new normal” as you gain clarity around your child’s diagnosis and how to support their needs.

LEarn About The INFINITY Mom club

From one autism parent to another

At Autism Savvy, we know you want to feel clear-minded and hopeful in the face of your child’s autism diagnosis, so you need a path that shows you the way toward a new normal. But it’s difficult and confusing to wade through all of the advice and (often conflicting) information you’ve been given about autism. Maybe you feel confused about what’s best for your child, or fearful you won’t be able to figure it all out. 

But we believe you should be empowered with the knowledge you need to advocate for your child. Through lived experience and serving families with autistic children, Autism Savvy understands the fear of a new diagnosis and the abundant life that can come after it. That’s why we provide community through the Infinity Mom Club, expert resources to equip you for informed decisions and support every step of the way.

XO, Amber

What’s Next in Your Child’s Autism Journey? 

take the quiz:

Every autism journey is different. 

From symptoms and diagnosis to understanding possible therapy options, it can feel so overwhelming! Take this quiz to find out the best next steps for YOUR child's needs.
This is just the beginning of your story, and that’s a good thing. 

Let’s start the journey together.

Take The Quiz